Tag: narcissism

  • The new phone book is (almost) here!

    The writing is over (for this edition), the book has “shipped to the printer,” and the cover mechanical (shown above, in its technicolor glory) is in the can. My tech writing career is now complete: an animal book with O’Reilly!

  • gee and i've only met barlow once

    gee and i’ve only met barlow once Originally uploaded by xian was JP Barlow idly doing the comparisons today, or is this more like secret-admirer spam?

  • In my day we had to write our web-blogs by hand in html 1.0, barefoot in the snow, uphill all the way, against the wind

    I’ve discovered that it’s easy to remember the anniversary of your first blog post* if you’re as clever or random as I was and wrote it on your birthday. This then reminds me to crank out my yearly age-revealing, I’ve-been-blogging-since post. And this is a special one, too, for what it’s worth. Ten years of…

  • On the internet, nobody knows you're fat

    I’m no fan of the term “fatblogging” but I do see some value in the idea of inviting accountability by applying the blog (in the sense of public log) format to a health and fitness plan, and reporting one’s weight to a globe full of strangers is surely one way to keep yourself honest. Those…

  • RE: Join my network on LinkedIn

    This is a quandary for me….

  • Reputation and Patterns at SXSW

    Here’s my obligatory plug for my South by Southwest proposals. I’ve got two panels in contention at the cool-but-unwieldy Panel Picker, so I thought I’d provide some shortcuts here. A lot of folks feel that there are too many panels at SXSW and not enough solo presenters. I tend to agree, but I think the…

  • I need to hire Liza Sabater as my publicist

    In an interesting rambly ‘meme of the month’ post at her famed CultureKitchen website, called Radical Fringe, Liza writes: > … Jeff Tiedrich of Smirking Chimp, confirming my theory that you’re not a true net native if you don’t know who Christian Crumlish is or if, at least, he doesn’t know who you are. If…

  • Some Christians are Chris

    I introduced myself to Chris Gulker recently and he spotted me as a fellow person- with- first-name- Christian. I said, “Oh, you’re a stealth Christian!” I found growing up that people who remembered my name as Chris eventually got around to calling me Christopher. Plus I just didn’t answer to it. I didn’t think “That’s…

  • spellchecker suggestions for Crumlish

    Crumbles Crumbliest Crumbs Crumples Crumbiest Crumbling Crummiest Crumpling Crumbing Rules Crumb Crumble Crumple Crumbled Crumpets Crumpled Crusts Crucify Crudity Crumbed