Tag: place
Oakland happy hour wednesday
Deadlines have killed my urge to blog lately. I’ve been in more of an unblogging mood. But news that Gwen’s Ladies (and Gents) Who Lunch is having its long promised post-work happy hour edition this week, Wednesday night have got me back typing into this here teeny text box. Teaser at Finally, a happy hour…
Spring comes to San Francisco
Rich Frankel’s got foxgloves coming up everywhere.
A week ago today, before I realized how sick I was getting, I made it down to downtown Oakland for (second?) Oakland bloggers’ (and auxiliary) luncheon at the Pacific Coast Brewery, aka Ladies (& Gents) Who Lunch (or: A much-needed excuse to leave the house). What a great gang of folks, some familiar to me…
Ich bin ein Oaklandischer
I think I followed Scot’s link to Justin Hall’s environs and ended up at the Beast Blog (“Because East Bay is Pig Latin for Beast”), reading about this Oaklandish logo: A deco tree with big branches and big roots both – “Oaklandish.” I first saw it on a sticker in the window of Walden Pond…