Tag: politics
A (Maginot) line in the sand
I’m no fan of the Nation Review, but this Jonah Goldberg image cracked me up: (In case you want to test the query, yes, it’s fake, but it’s still hilarious.)
Altered State of the Union
San Francisco based film maker and photographer Bijan Yashar will be projecting George W. Bush’s State of the Union address in real time onto the wall of the Shell Station at Market and Sanchez. He will filter the live speech through a camera utilizing extreme and shifting angles to “reveal implicit perspectives and points of…
My country right or left
Matthew Riemer, writing in YellowTimes.org, debunks the notion that criticism of American foreign policy is inherently anti-American.
Who's blogging Karl Rove?
I was just musing on how the right in this country has succeeded at presenting their views in the most poll-tested appealing ways possible, and still they are alienating more than half the population with their agenda items in many areas, especially outside of the multi-front effort against terrorism (which was thrust upon them). Even…
Where SBC Pacbell Customers Opt Out
From a letter in the business section of today’s Sunday (S.F.) Chronicle thanking columnist David Lazarus for bringing out SBC Pacbell’s process for obtaining permission (or making it difficult for you to withhold permission) for sharing your personal information. Rather than suffering through a phone-tree thicket, go directly to http://sbc-pacbell.com/rescpni to opt out directly.
Justice a la Ashcroft. The
Justice a la Ashcroft. The way the prosecutions of John Muhammad and John Lee Malvo are being handled can give us some good insight into what John Ashcroft considers “appropriate” in a criminal case. While it’s certainly understandable that Ashcroft, and much of the public, want to see Muhammad and Malvo tried, sentenced and executed…