Tag: politics

  • Blogs briefing the press

    Billmon think’s truly pathetic that journalists are getting their background on the Plame Affair from blogs, but one of his commenters points out that its the journalists who aren’t reading blogs who are harder to understand. It’s a great thread, not least because it includes this rewrite of Shakespeare by “Monica”: To the liberal blogosphere:…

  • Substantial blogging at Edwards site

    Mike Kasper from EdwardsforPrez.com (an unofficial Edwards-supporter site) followed up my comment from a few days ago about John Edwards writing some of his own blog entries. I compared his first efforts to cat-blogging, in the sense of journal- or diaristic entries. I actually think that’s a good place to start and not a bad…

  • Edwards writing blog entries

    Reading John Robb, I saw that John Edwards is now posting some entries directly to his campaign blog. No links out (not suprising) and mostly cat-blogging type diary stuff, but it’s a start.

  • Democratic party weblog

    The Democratic National Committee has started a blog called Kicking Ass at the democrats.org site. I guess it beats faxing the talking points around, and I like the way they’ve jumped in with both feet. There’s no calendar or forward-and-back links from individually archived entries, so I can’t tell when the first post was. Most…

  • Bomb threat at Moscone

    Well, I was sitting next to Ross Mayfield and across from Tim Bray in the speaker’s lounge at Seybold when they told us that a bomb threat had been called in to Moscone North and South (where the Oracle conference is taking place) so just to be safe they asked us to evacuate Moscone West…

  • Profile of Dean's blogger-in-chief

    This Boston.com article (A hired gun who muses with fingertips) profiles Matt Gross, who first proposed to the Dean campaign that they should enliven their official web presence with a weblog. Incidentally, the Dean campaign if looking for a sysadmin (with a well specified skillset) willing to move to Burlington, VT, and work long hours…

  • Weinberger for Dean

    As noted in Art of the Possible (The Cluetrain Candidate), David Weinberger, the author, academic, and consultant behind JOHO the Blog and such influential volumes as The Cluetrain Manifesto (coauthor) and Small Pieces, Loosely Joined, has endorsed Howard Dean and formally joined his campaign staff as a senior adviser.

  • Fact-checking Frist's ass

    Billmon, whose list of WMD-related quotations posted to his Whiskey Bar blog rocketed around the political web a month or so ago has tracked down a series of quotations from Senate leader Bill Frist that seem to contradict his more recent take on the reason we went to war with Iraq.

  • Who lost the WMDs?

    Instead of accusing the governing U.S. and U.K. executive administrations of misleading, exaggerating, or even lying to the public about Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction, I’d rather stipulate to their existence, especially the chem and bio weapons that western countries helped him develop. I have another question entirely: Where are they? Have we indeed made…

  • Bill O'Reilly unites left and right

    The loathsome, overblown, mendacious bullying TV host Bill O’Reilly has grabbed a tiger by the tail by using his mass-broadcast media pulpit to castigate the Internet. Bloggers of all stripes bite back.

  • Rusty Shackleford's revenge

    Is evil Tom DeLay the inspiration for Hank Hill’s neighbor Dale Gribble on King of the Hill?

  • The only good terrorist

    Orcinus hits the nail on the head (again). He was writing a while back about how Christian extremist terrorists in the U.S. are described as lone nuts or wackos and not identified as terrorists by the FBI or Justice Department. They are always treated as exceptional. I really don’t see the different between Eirc Rudolph…

  • When did the Nation get weblogs?

    Someone on the Well just pointed me to Katrina vanden Heuvel’s blog. They’ve got RSS feeds too.

  • Little groupthink footballs

    Looks like the next blogger celebrity deathmatch (after Cory vs. Pirillo) is going to have to be o-dub vs. Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs. In an odd echo of the Anil vs. LFGers squabble from last year (also involving MSN’s blogspotting site), a new war of words is escalating (“I’m in his hometown. Want…

  • Morans

    Has everyone on the planet seen the morans picture by now?

  • Circular dialogue on war in Iraq

    . A little late in the game, I find a link to Cronus Connections’ A Warmonger Educates a Peacenik. Will Instapundit be linking to this (or has he already)? I wonder. An excerpt: Peacenik: Why are we invading Iraq?Warmonger: For the last time, we are invading Iraq because the world has called on Saddam Hussein…

  • Consensus on 'depleted uranium'?

    From the left (and from John Perry Barlow, recently) I keep hearing about how the U.S. and NATO use depleted uranium in their weapons, putting Iraqis (and others) at risk of radiation poisoning or genetic abnormalities. I also seem to recall scoffing at this or “debunking” of the danger from the right, but I don’t…

  • Where is Glenn?

    Instapundit has his doubts about the identify of Raed. His comments prompted me to echo him, though: These are very interesting posts, but the question isn’t so much is Glenn real, or in Tennessee. It’s whether he’s really an ordinary American as he claims, or something else (conceivably, on either side). And that’s much harder…

  • Shorter Chomsky Thrash

    Dismayed at D-squared’s removal of his Shorten Den Beste post that finally provoked a response from the man’s reader-fans, The Poor Man offered a series of amusing Shorters, nailing himself in the process. The Chomsky one (“Shorter Noam Chomsky: Whatever someone said recently is pretty rich, considering East Timor”), which I thought was one of…

  • Uncle Osama wants you

    Too much work, constant deadlines, and a general disgust with the state of geopolitics has made me reduce my reading of the media to a bare minimum. It’s too easy to get stressed out and crazy from the barrage of propaganda, lies, and distorted truths in the mediasphere. Blogs are no better, in general, but…

  • Make Saddam an offer he can't refuse

    The Bush Crime Family meme I’ve seen bandied about on the Well and elsewhere has spawned a comic at the Village Voice, The Bushopranos. Where are those humorless lefties when you need them? This cartoon fights the Bush restoration/rematch narrative that put their team within striking distance of the prize with a psychoanalytical reprise of…