Tag: slides
Tablet First: Designing holistic ubiquitous experiences
Mobility today means more than handsets in pockets. We are entering a world of ubiquitous network access to always-on cross-channel digital services, bringing multiple new dimensions of complexity to the job of user experience strategy and product design.
Broken Experiences panel at the IA Summit 2012
‘Playful Design’ at UX Lisbon
Here are my slides from UX Lx. In the coming weeks, the video broadcast will be made available (for a small fee) at the UX Lisbon site, and sometime next year they will be shared freely in the ramp up to UX LX 2012.
My keynote from the Italian IA Summit
UPDATED: Fixed the typo(s) on slide 84 and re-uploaded. I just noticed a typo, so will update, but wanted to share this quickly. not sure how much sense it will make without the audio (or for that matter this morning’s live-streamed video): We are all Leonardo now View more presentations from Christian Crumlish
Start using UX as a weapon (at the Web 2.0 Expo in SF)
Erin and I delivered our first-ever Web 2 Expo keynote (I called us “The Sonny and Cher of UX”) in San Francisco toward the end of last month: Here are the slides we showed to accompany our banter: Start Using UX as a Strategic Weapon View more presentations from erin malone
Designing for Play (updated for Web Directions @media)
I gave the latest version of my Designing for Play talk at the @media conference (now run by the amazing John Allsopp / Maxine Sherrin team famed for their other fantastic Web Directions events) in London two weeks ago and was very pleased with the comments and feedback I got. The sage Scott Berkun even…
Designing for Play slides from WebVisions 2010
Wow, WebVisions was amazing, as was Portland, and the hospitality of my friends there and the organizers of the conference. Thanks to everyone who made it possible! (I mean, Ukepalooza – say no more.) Here are the slides from my talk, Designing for Play:
Social design preso from Beyond Findability workshop presented by the IA Institute at the IA Summit
Erin posted the latest version of our “5/5/5” talk, as given in Phoenix last week, to Slideshare: Designing Social Interfaces (presentation and gameplay), part of the IA Institute’s “Beyond Findability” workshop at IA Summit 2010 Also, Erin has also posted a blog entry on our poster shown at the Summit, on our evolving efforts to…
Talking social patterns with thriving UX communities in London and Berlin
A week or so ago I undertook a whirlwind visit to the UK and the Continent, giving two presentations about design patterns and social design, one in London on Tuesday, and another in Berlin on Thursday, each event sponsored by YDN (and the one in Germany co-sponsored by the local IxDA group). The London event…
Designing social interfaces at Web Directions South 2009
I had a great time presenting at Web Directions South 2009. J.J. Halans took some wonderful photos at the event, such as the one showing the Where’s Waldo slide (above) and this one (showing Erin’s awesome visualization behind me): The slides by themselves are only part of the story of course but I’ve just posted…
Ukulele for geeks: secrets of the pentatonic scales
My Ignite Sydney talk last night was fun (for me, at least). Here are my slides: Ukulele For Geeks: Secrets of the Pentatonic ScalesView more presentations from Christian Crumlish. Here are a few audience shots. The first is from a warmup: This one is from the actual talk: Dag, my chrome dome has almost completely…
Slides from our mini-workshop at IDEA 2009
Designing Social Interfaces: 5 steps, 5 principles, 5 anti-patternsView more presentations from erin malone.
Presenting social patterns to patternistas at PLoP
Social Design For Patternistas View more documents from Christian Crumlish. Last week I was in Chicago for PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programs) 2009, co-located with the Agile conference. PLoP is a unique conference, in some ways more like a funky academic confab than a typical tech industry conference. Most of the time is spent in…
Designing Social Interfaces Web 2.0 Expo workshop slides
Social Patterns Talk – Web 2.0 version View more presentations from Erin Malone.
Slides from Designing Social Interfaces at IA Summit 2009
Erin Malone and I introduced some of the fruit of our effort to carve out a pattern language for social user experience design. At the Information Architecture Summit in Memphis this past week we taught our pattern library workshop and then delivered this tandem presentation: Designing Social Interfaces View more presentations from Erin Malone.
Ignite was fun
My Ignite talk, Grasping Social Patterns Originally uploaded by duncandavidson. Here are my slides. | View | Upload your own Audio when it’s available (video too). UPDATE: and here’s some YouTube video shot from the audience (the very beginning of my talk is cut off):
Three talks for the price of, well, none
At the IA Summit a week ago in Miami, I co-taught two full-day workshops (on patterns with Erin Malone and Lucas Pettinati, and social design with Christina Wodtke and Joshua Porter), moderated a panel (on presence and other aspects of social web architecture with Gene Smith, Wodtke, Andrew Hinton, and Andrew Crow), and gave a…
Social design patterns slides from BayCHI last week
Here are my slides from my talk at Xerox Parc (the BayCHI monthly program meeting) on April 8th: | View | Upload your own When I get the audio, I plan to put together a slidecast to synch the slides to the talk, which should be more valuable. Oh, and consider viewing the slides in…