Tag: songwriting

  • Songs for a new day

    Songs for a new day

    Making a record of original songs has been a dream come true. Every step of the way (and we’re not there yet) has been a joy. At the same time, this relentless focus on polishing the first twelve songs I wrote has inadvertently slowed down my pace of finishing songs to nearly a dead stop,…

  • Dirty ol’ tune

    Dirty ol’ tune

    In that same spirit of catching my breath toward the end of the year I find I never did share any of the rough mixes of the third song we recorded this year, which must have been back in April. This one benefited a lot from having John Hanes on drums, and I feel he…

  • Nobody called it that

    Nobody called it that

    At least in my day, nobody called our neighborhood on the upper east side “Carnegie Hill,” although that’s what they call it today and maybe some folks, like realtors, even called it that back then. A bunch of things converged in 2020. I was getting a bit more intentional about songwriting. I read the wonderful…

  • Why I use a chamois

    Why I use a chamois

    So a lot have been going on. Usually I rush over here breathless with excitement about my latest recording session but now I’m in catch-up mode again. Back in October I took off a long weekend for my birthday, and on that Friday went to Megasonic to record “Sham Song” (also known as “Chanson”). After…

  • Carnegie Hill

    Shoestring fries at Jackson Hole PLJ playing Billy Joel

  • Down to the Mountain (debut)

    I don’t need majestic splendor.

  • Music will continue until morale improves

    Music will continue until morale improves

    More music coming soon!