help wanted

everything seems to be up in the air at this time
everything seems to be up in the air at this time
one of these days
it’ll all settle down, but
everything seems to be up in the air at this time

     --camper van beethoven

when this it hits the fans, boy does it ever. it seems to be catching. deep breath and the big “what’s next?” feeling. bustin’ out all over starting to sound purty good.

standing on the corner, i didn’t mean no harm. just for the fun of pronouncing it po lease.

a propos of nothing but the chaos and the recent epiphany about “wow, i can afford a file clerk… and more,” looking for an Assistant Literary Agent (trainee) in the S.F. bay area to work in my Oakland office, hack the flow, and learn the business on the job. see debussy fields or hank gurdjieff in our human resources dept.

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