Allaire's New Blog

Jeremy Allaire has joined “the ranks of what Jon Udell calls CXO Blogs” with a mixed personal and professional blog “about media, communications and applications over the Internet.”
According to one of his first entries:

Over the past six-months, like many other netizens, I’ve become addicted to browsing and subscribing to blogs. My company has also started using blogspace as a crucial customer and community engagement mechanism. It’s been amazing to see the number of Macromedia MX related blogs spring up.

He also posts a view of a cross-browser WYSIWYG editor widget, which doesn’t seem to behave for me, but sounds like a step in the right direction. Even minimal coding of links and HTML remains as a barrier to the next wave of webloggers, and Allaire is looking at the bigger picture: getting beyond the browser-interface bottleneck.

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