Boycotting Best British Blog Bake-off

plasticbag offers a javascript tag for British blogs not participating in the Guardian’s “Best British Weblog” contest:

The “Not the Best” project is really simple. It’s a tiny piece of code that post or stick in your template that will add the “Not the Best” box onto your site. The box includes a link to every British weblogger who decided not to participate in the Guardian’s Best British Blog competition. If you didn’t enter and you send in your site’s URL, we’ll add it to the box and it’ll be updated on everyone’s sites immediately.

Here’s how it looks currently:

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One response to “Boycotting Best British Blog Bake-off”

  1. bakeware (idiot) Avatar
    bakeware (idiot)

    Wow that is pretty neat! A good idea too. I got the box on my site now too. Very easy to get it working.
    [Note: This is a spam comment, rendered useless by my removing the URL (a link to a “bakeware” site), but left here as an instructive. – TheMgmt.]