Well, the non-blog-related categories have now been redirected via FTP to various branded locations, so it’s time to start posting new entries to radiofreeblogistan.com. I’ve just switched the streaming over to FTP, so this post should automatically stream to the new location (and not to the old one).
Next, I have to figure out the syntax for the #upstream.xml file in the salonika category so I can redirect it back to blogs.salon.com/0001111/categories/blogsalon/ and then I’ll have to start notifying people of the change of address and asking them to change their bookmarks, etc.
More complicatedly, I am attempting a gradual rebranding transition here with which I intend to focus RFB on blogging and metablogging matters and use x-pollen.com as my home base personal blog.
I won’t mind people linking to RFB as “me” because I’ll still interweave the navigation so people can find their way to whatever type of content they’re interested in—I also intend to start putting little RSS boxes in my Radio page designs to show recent headlines from other feeds of mine as well as from sites by other people that deal with blogging—but I want to start building a distinction between me blogging about whatever I feel like and me (and other people) covering the blogging beat via RFB. We’ll see if it works. Inertia is powerful and most people will continue to link to me as RFB and probably at the blogs.salon.com address.
Meanwhile, I’ll continue to report on the steps I’m taking to try to rationalize these various feeds and streams and develop some more collaborative media.
First p0st at radiofreeblogistan.com