Five years ago today

Five years ago today, on my 33rd birthday, I started my first online journal, breathing room. It wasn’t a blog in the sense we mean today, as it was more of a writer’s journal, a daily writing practice, a place for unvarnished honesty and fleeting thoughts. But to me the transition from journal to blog was gradual, so I see the whole thing as a continuum.
Here’s an excerpt from my first entry:

33 today, I thought of naming this journal "outliving christ," but that doesn’t feel right. the nice thing about this kind of project is that even if it does one day build an audience (and the public nature of this journal is a fulcrum to promote honesty and self-revelation), there’s sure to be just about no one reading it at first, besides a few well-wishing friends I’ve tipped off in advance, which gives me a little breathing room, a little.

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6 responses to “Five years ago today”

  1. Mark Hoback Avatar
    Mark Hoback

    I love birthdays.
    Hope you have a good one.

  2. Charly Z Avatar

    Feliz cumpleaños. Enjoy your day.

  3. Freddy de Peralta Avatar

    Hey Man !
    Happy birthday ! And may you have many more. I had mine a few days ago as well, the 15th to be exact. Yeah, 38 is an “interesting” number.
    All the best and I hope you have fun if you’re out and about tonight.
    Feliz Cumpleanos,
    Freddy de Peralta

  4. kowpie Avatar

    happy birthday xian!
    may you blog many more!!!

  5. The demon blogger of Avatar

    Happy birthday, xian! And congrats on five years of online journaling — you old timer you!

  6. xian Avatar

    Thanks, everyone! shucks…
    (btw, somebody stop me before I use ellipses again. or maybe Herb Caen was the first blogger? three-dot journalism lives!)