Nice review of 'Dreamweaver Savvy' at Web Teach

Keep them reviews coming! You work long and hard on a project like my last book (and there was a big team of people working on it with me) and then it goes out the door and it all starts to seem a bit like a dream. Oddly, reviews like this remind me of what I was trying to accomplish with that book:

[A]s a writer I would find it very challenging to write a book combining the use of two of Macromedia’s complex software tools. Author Christian Crumlish met the challenge…

Dreamweaver MX Fireworks MX Savvy is aimed at users of all experience levels. … Crumlish takes an approach that matches real-world work flow. This work-oriented approach starts in Dreamweaver with planning and setup, moves into Fireworks for graphic creation, and then back to Dreamweaver to build the site.

I wonder if Matt Brown got his review copy yet? No review on his blog yet.

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