Over 10,000 served at Dreaming of China

At some point most likely tonight, this blog will pass its 10,000th hit. I get a real sense of satisfaction out of that. Sure, I’m willing to be that at least 1,000 of those hits are from me reloading trying to figure out if this page design or that style sheet tweak worked, but still – I’ve made something that’s managed to get to five digits of hits in less than 5 months. I’m proud.

Now if you’re only reading my blog (and you know who you are. =) ), go read somebody else’s. Read Mark Hoback’s Fried Green al-Qaedas – he’s got a daily tour of the Salon blog community, pointing out the day’s posts of note. Always worth reading, and a great place to start your introduction to the wider Salon blog world.

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