Ritual Burning of the To-Do List

January 7, 2002
Send new XXX proposal to YYY at ZZZ
March 10, 2002
Evaluate DW beta
March 12, 2002
Update outline/assignments
Make NY reservations
Prepare AAA’s 50% check (c/o BBB)
Send other agents client list
March 13, 2002
Call P re “big news”
JIFSR paperwork
March 16, 2002
Send check to Lawrenceville for reunion
March 18, 2002
Complete SYX transfer
March 19, 2002
Chapter 20 due (Lucinda)
March 28, 2002
Chapter 27 due (l)
Send Rick Chs 17 & 18
March 29, 2002
Green bin
April 3, 2002
Chapter 16 due (me)
April 5, 2002
Write Part 2 opener
April 7, 2002
Prepare PPT on Proposals for conference
April 8, 2002
Call CCC to schedule meeting w/ DDD & FFFl
April 9, 2002
Chapter 30 due (me)
April 12, 2002
Green Bin
April 13, 2002
Chapter 23 due (me)
April 15, 2002
Business 2001 accounting
Resubmit SYX form to netsol
Work out new au for Chapter 24
Print new peak-flow chart
Send Neil DA’s books (to Cardiff)
April 16, 2002
Get new cell phone plan!
Print final tax forms
April 17, 2002
Chapter 22 due (me)
April 18, 2002
Call Rick about Chapter 18, due Wednesday
April 23, 2002
Pay bills, update budget
Chapter 15 due (me)
April 24, 2002
Pack for trip
Revise Chapter 18
Call car service for trip to airport
April 30, 2002
Clean up email (on plane)
May 1, 2002
Call Hertz to get No.1 Club Gold membership via AmEx
Compare COBRA ($252.25), Kaiser, and domestic partner (232?)
Make hotel reservation for night of May 2
May 1, 2002
Send EEE “Just for Fun”/FFF
May 2, 2002
Send GGG 50% payment
Call editors in NY for DA
May 6, 2002
Call editors in NY for DA
May 7, 2002
Revise Chapter 13
May 10, 2002
Color insert copy
Green Bin
May 11, 2002
Get 11×14 pad, pencils, sharpener, eraser
May 13, 2002
Intall exchanged smoke detector
Finish Chapter 29
Review HHH’s new contract
Quick review of 25, 24, 20
Add dry to the compost
Contact Bentley Hotel re missing keys
May 14, 2002
Strip sheets off beds
Negotiate reasonable copyedit review schedule for Kim
Final AR on 24
May 19, 2002
Review AR on Chapter 2, add beta content, do screen captures, get color content
Review AR on Chapter 3, add beta content, do screen captures
May 20, 2002
Capture “Insert Nav Bar” dialog box for Chapter 18
May 21, 2002
AR on 12
AR on 15
AR on 16
New screen shots for 13
AR on 18
AR on 26
May 22, 2002
Cover copy input
AR on 17
AR on 22
AR on 30
AR on 27
AR on 32
May 23, 2002
AR on 23 (make sure it covers code validation)
Resolve version issue with 28
May 24, 2002
Gather tapes for Sue (GD, et al.)
Green Bin
Review AR on Chapter 4, add beta content, do screen captures
May 25, 2002
Replace keys
May 27, 2002
Call J – catch up
May 28, 2002
Send $III (final) check to JJJ
Part Openers I, III, IV, V, and VI
May 29, 2002
Introduction Dedication, Acknowledgements
AR2 on 12, 15, 16, 23, 4
Get A WS’s contact info
May 31, 2002
June 3, 2002
Send 50% checks to LLL, MMM (for NNN)
Phil tickets for Friday and Sunday
Page Proofs for 1,2,11,13,14,17,18,19,20,21,24,25,26,27,29,31,32,A
June 4, 2002
Revise color insert
Send thank you note to OOO for New Orleans dinner
June 7, 2002
Revise color insert again
Green Bin
June 10, 2002
Inside Front Cover, Inside Back Cover (copy)
B birthday (books, ??)
Call PPP at QQQ for RRR
Call to set up Saturn/SSS/check rear breaks
Send TTT update
Get UUU package and pitch together for K
Make 401(k) decision
June 12, 2002
Review remaining page proofs (3, 4, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 28, 30)
June 13, 2002
Pick up B’s plants at Ace garden ctr
June 14, 2002
June 15, 2002
June 17, 2002
Pay VVV (send his wfh agreement too), WWW
Update other agent tasks (XX, etc.)
Apply to Kaiser
Finish submitting CD: Final outline, permission letters
June 20, 2002
review back cover copy
(very little held back)
still on today’s list:
Burn completed to-do’s
Green Bin
Pay bills
still coming up:
Create household budget
Catch up email-to-blog posts
Work on ideas for promoting DMX Savvy, including TV topics
Respond to Petersen correspondent (John Feins) – thedeadbeat.com/faraway/Groceries
PEP: Write mediajunkie.com “call for contributors”
Get charcoal, india ink, pen, nibs
Pay YY and ZZ’s 50% balances
Call AA at BB for CC
Work out proposed DD terms for EE’s approval
Call FF@GG about HH’s II for JJ’s title
Work on savvy website: home page, IA/sitemaps, templates
Renew passport
Learn MovableType templates
Call person at KK for LL
Set up Phil interview
Files 2001: Review undated files, refile, archive pre-2001 contents
Opublish copyrights- Internet Dictionary, ABCs of the Internet, Coffeehouse
Green Bin
Pay bills
Learn unix admin for tandx

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