Times Daily Blogwatch

As a memewatch project I’d love to see stats on the appearance of the word “blog” in the New York Times. It seems that there is an article with a blog angle just about every day.
Today’s is about LiveJournal:

All kinds of people maintain pages on LiveJournal, but the site’s own statistics show that its users tend to be 15 to 21 and predominantly female. Many people who have pages at LiveJournal or similar sites like DiaryLand maintain that the form is distinct from Weblogs, or blogs. The journals tend to be more inwardly focused and offer fewer links than blogs, although the categories overlap.

Here’s what was eay to find, just dates of articles:

  • 1998-11-29
  • 1998-11-28
  • 2001-4-16 (2)
  • 2002-5-5
  • 2002-6-10
  • 2002-6-20
  • 2002-7-25
  • 2002-7-28
  • 2002-8-10
  • 2002-8-22
  • 2002-9-1
  • 2002-9-5
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