Who wants to bukkake a millionaire?

Recently I did a few technical favors for this friend of mine and to show her gratitude she offered me a little gratuity, some of the spillover from her enormous pr0n collection. Today the USPS left a box on my doorstep and it brought to mind that old song:

And it’s just a box of porn
I don’t know who put it there
Believe it if you need it
Or leave it if your dare

If nothing else, it should give my partner and me the chance for a little hotel-room-type amusement or even a “you like that?” conversation. From the box covers, it looks to me like the middlebrow stuff with relatively high production values and a semblance of a plot.

This reminded me of something I was thinking over the holidays and planning to mention to the Kowgirl: When are we going to see “Reality Porn”?

Who wants to gangbang a millionaire?

Actually, the real cutting-edge approach would involve not just sloppy sex but also conception, questions of paternity, decisions about whether to bring to term, etc.

Who wants to give birth to a millionaire?

Who wants to conceive a millionaire?

Who wants to sire a millionaire?

With better promotion than the Guinness Book-style gangbang contest movies, a reality porn series could easily include a $1,000,000 pot going to any child conceived (or the pot could go to the female actor and/or the “successful” male actor, the possibilities are endless). But would the producers be willing to risk the condemnation and wrath that an inherently gonzo culture-war blitz would entail?

Discuss among yourselves.

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2 responses to “Who wants to bukkake a millionaire?”

  1. mike celano Avatar
    mike celano

    that little “tune” you remember is a grateful dead song, its actually called a box of rain if you herd it somewhere else call them a fuckin asshole for joking about the dead, and if its you be careful man, jerry is watching you!

  2. xian Avatar

    Dude, grow a sense of humor. i’ve been a deadhead for almost 20 years. you can find many of my reviews and other commentaries on usenet and in the books DeadBase, The Deadhead’s Taping Compendium, and Dead Letters.

    I also host the The Dead Beat website and Uncle John’s Blog there.

    Mellow out, man. There’s nothing inherently wrong with sexual content. In fact, you must have been searching for bukkake or something like that or how else would you have found this entry in the first place?

    In the (real) words of that old song, Believe it if you need it/If you don’t just pass it on.