Yahoo Matters

Though my referrer was from a bookmark (as Dave Winer pointed out in my comments), reverse cowgirl is getting some action today from her new listing on Yahoo’s weblogs page (full name: Yahoo! Social Science > Communications > Writing > Journals and Diaries > Online Journals and Diaries > Web Logs).
She was added along with the Homeless Guy blog they’ve been discussing on Metafilter recently. I am nowhere to be seen. Boo hoo.
I’m reminded of a story around one of the Grateful Dead’s incessant post-Jerry Garcia reunions, when hapless latter-day ex-Tubes ex-Rundgren ex-Dead keybist Vince Welnick asked on the air “Who do I have to blow to get on this tour.”
After blogging and Metafiltering Making Sense of Marcel Duchamp I was pleased when the author showed me that Yahoo had featured the site as a pick with a great review in the Yahoo! Picks blog.
Only later did I realize that this means of course that his site has been added to Yahoo’s directory, something commercial sites have been reduced for paying for help with, attempts to game the system, and other signs of frustration. Cool to get listed on merit.
For now, Google has been bery bery good to me.

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