Adding BlogThis! to the Google Deskbar

Jason Shellen’s got a hack that will add a Blogger bookmarklet-type button to the new Google Deskbar. Now, who will do the same for MovableType, Radio, pMachine, LiveJournal, AOL Journals, Lycos blogs, etc.? (phew!) [via BuzzMachine]

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2 responses to “Adding BlogThis! to the Google Deskbar”

  1. Andrew Bayer Avatar

    Actually, it should be rather trivial – the hack consists of adding a registry key with a URL in its value. I’m not using the deskbar – I’m in Netscape, using a Mozilla knockoff of the IE Googlebar – so I can’t try it myself, but it looks like it should be pretty simple.

  2. Philip Avatar

    There are several tools that work with Movable Type Zempt and wBloggar come to mind Adminimizer works as well.