Buzzing New York, July 9 – 16

Hey, I’m headed to New York next week (after the 4th of July holiday). I arrive on Wednesday, July 9 and I’m returning to Oakland late on Wednesday, July 16.
Before then, I have some brutal deadlines. While in New York I’ll do some work (mostly reviewing manuscript for my current book project and meeting with a few publishers) but I’m also trying to take some time off, decompress, and catch up with some old friends.
Speaking of which, for my friends who do have a life, I thought I’d mention the b3ta newsletter that sends out a slate of kooky links every Friday. If you already know about b3ta then you are a geek, which is OK. Don’t send me any “d00d, I’ve been getting my wacky links from b3ta for years now – where have you been?” mail. I am mentioning the b3ta collective for the benefit of my less jacked-in friends and family, who are legion and include Jeff Green.

now playing:
The Dust Blows Forward ‘n The Dust Blows Back” by Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band [Trout Mask Replica]
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