Claiming a Technorati identity

I signed up and uploaded a wrong-shaped photo to the new Technorati feature the other day but still have to add the code to my weblog to confirm. The lazy thing is to post it here, but I should add it to my template if I want to keep it around. I didn’t do that with Blogshares. Does that matter?
Here’s the snippet to identify me to Technorati as the owner of this weblog:

UPDATE: Per Dave Sifry’s comment, I went back and reclaimed this blog (and also cropped and reuploaded the figure so it’s not quite so heinous), and have updated the snippet in this entry. [8:44 am, July 23, 2003]






One response to “Claiming a Technorati identity”

  1. David Sifry Avatar

    Actually, there was a bug in the URLs that got sent out a few days ago in the Technorati blog claim feature. Please go back to and get a new HTML snippet to post. Sorry about the bug!