DoD weblogs?

Clay Shirky writes in Many-to-Many that the Department of Defense is looking into using weblogs for procurement. It’s not clear to me how this would work, and they offer a strange definition of weblogs, saying that a “BLOG” is similar to a community-of-interest (COI) but with role-based security. Huh?

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3 responses to “DoD weblogs?”

  1. Phil Wolff Avatar

    I used to work for the Naval Supply Systems Command. Procurement is 99% about communication, much of it formal, among internal and external stakeholders. Suppliers, consumers, overseers along the funding and implementation chains, et al. If faceted weblogs (each blog & post has settings for who can read/write it) help you avoid a handful of complications, produce even a few better acquisitions, you’ll pay for the entire project in a few days. btw, to my knowledge, Traction Software is the only vendor on the market with faceted weblogs.

  2. RSS in Government Avatar

    Navy Evaluating Blogging Software

    Government Computer News reports that the Navy is building a business case for using weblogs for project management. Enterprise blogging software by Traction Software, Inc. called TeamPage was selec…

  3. RSS in Government Avatar

    Navy Evaluating Blogging Software

    Government Computer News reports that the Navy is building a business case for using weblogs for project management. Enterprise blogging software by Traction Software, Inc. called TeamPage was selec…