Help with comment permalinks

OK, I wanted the comments block on the home page to link to recent comments “filchyboy on Is linking like sex” etc. The problem is that the comment links just go to the entry and don’t scroll down automatically to the specific comment’s permalink.
I was poking around the templates documentation and I saw that I need to concatenate that CommentLinkID or something to the end of the individual entry URL but I’d rather copy a working example than figure out for myself what padding is needed if any, etc.
So then I thought I’d look at the individual entry template on the premise that it’s already putting permalink “name” attributes on the comments and that I could steal the formatting from that, but it appears that my individual archive template isn’t including comment permalinks (correct me if I’m wrong), so I need help with two thing:

  1. Add comment permalinks to the permanent archive page
  2. Fix the comment links on the home page to go directly to the indicated comment

These are both what I would consider interim fixes, maintenance to the existing templates that I don’t want to hold up in the process of developing new templates.

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2 responses to “Help with comment permalinks”

  1. liza Avatar

    go to my front page @ culturekitchen and see if what i have is what you want.

  2. xian Avatar

    Yes, I think so, in that the links from the names seem to have comment permalinks on them (#c08 or whatever). Howeve,r when I click through, I still end up at the top of the individual article and not scrolled down to the specific comment, so it seems like I need to steal your code/tags for the home page links, but that maybe RFB and CK both need name tags added to their individual archive templates.