Is there an award for most-boring blog?

And, if so, can I nominate myself for it? Here’s some boring stuff: my referrers. Like what’s up with that? No, but seriously. It’s funny when a referrer is on an intranet or password-protected site. I go try to check out the link – props or put-down? – and I can’t get in! At least I know the subdomain/hostname of their internal k-log blog thing.
Plus how about those searchers. Did I just know that using the word upskirt when talking about reverse cowgirl would function as googlebait? Plus I was checking out the search terms over at my Movable Type hub and recently there was fisting. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned that word, though. I’m a little scared to do the search myself, plus MT doesn’t tell me which blog the user was hunting through.
There’s also a lot of gulfwarposter (and variants), and searches for words such as call zero and manzanita (True Dirt, no doubt), Townsend and Pompeii and 202-456-1111 and Microsoft Intel merger then Careing For Wooly Bears four times in a row in under a minute last month (elevator-clicking the search-form button?)
then continuing back in time:

  • submissions
  • best episode ever
  • United states petroleum reserve
  • Petroleum reserve list
  • Clone of the attack
  • ian campbell
  • ian c
  • brautigan
  • how to make guns
  • how to render guns
  • pursued
  • bend
  • kikkoman
  • kikkomaso
  • archives
  • princeton
  • taxes
  • republican
  • gulf wars poster
  • art journals
  • posters
  • india
  • sullivan
  • gulf war
  • meme
  • watchword
  • Devil
  • Satan
  • how to eat pussy
  • masturbate
  • pussy
  • godetia
  • what
  • post modernism (3 times)
  • begonia (twice)
  • religion
  • roses
  • chandon
  • mack zeigen
  • ring off (twice)
  • bliss
  • submissions
  • foo
  • bar

I don’t have cumulative search terms for the Radio parts of RFB, unfortunately. I could extract a lot of it from my logs if I was competent and not boring.



