I've created a monster

Pete Hoskins of This Pirate Kills Fascists has recorded the first known rendition of my li’l ditty (I Sing the Blogistan Electric).
Amazing stamina! Some moments really cracked me up, especially with the overrunning lines! It occurs to me that the chorus should really be “this’ll be the day blogging died” or “this’ll be the way blogging dies” to match up better with the original.
Bravo! I’m truly humbled. This has gotten bigger than just me. How cool.

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2 responses to “I've created a monster”

  1. Pete Hopkins Avatar

    Glad you enjoyed it! I hope I’m not the only one who takes up the challenge… let Blogistan ring with a thousand voices! (Let them drown me out when I don’t hit the notes!) Let us all ironically herald the end of our hobby/movement!

  2. Jeff's Radio Weblog Avatar

    I’ve created a monster

    Christian Crumlish : Pete Hoskins of This Pirate Kills Fascists has recorded the first known rendition of my li’l ditty I Sing the Blogistan Electric …