I lost five productive years of potential 410(k) accumulation at the beginning of my working life because I expected the international monetary system to collapse within the decade.
You should always have bought a house 15 years ago, no matter how outrageous the price seemed then.
One of my favorite books of philosophy is Money and the Meaning of Life by Jacob Needleman. If I had absorbed more oft he wisdom from it and from the various buddhish teaching I’ve gleaned I’d have taken the time to make the above citation an Amazon link.
Money is a measurement of time.
Pay attention to the rate of change of your money (the slope, the tangent of the curve) at least as much as the amount you happen to have (or owe) at this moment. Then take the second derivative.
I knew a literary agent so good that my editor-in-chief at the time, R.S. Langer, Ph.D. (RIP), told me to keep one hand on my wallet the whole time I had him on the phone.
Attribute this: A fool and his money are soon partying.
Like the U.S., my long-term economic plan is to outgrow my expenses and my debts. Unlike the U.S., I am mortal.
I like to have all the bills in my wallet facing the same way.
Without money you’re hungry on the street.
I tend to hold my breath while writing checks.
You never need more than four pennies.
$20 is the new $1.
Money gets your home on the range
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