More love for the Bay Area

Instapundit graces another (well deserved) link to the Devil’s Excrement today with a gratuitous swipe at Berkeley. I’m not sure I get the subtext. Is it that the perennial protesters here in the East Bay don’t have as much fun as Venezuelan protesters do?
This follows the continuing S.F. sucks theme at the Gawker (and from Gawker publisher Denton, who may have drunk the Kool-Aid when he was in residence in the South Bay), loudly applauded by the frequently brilliant Ken Layne.
[Update: But his ordinarily sharp wit seems a little dull in this huffy Fisking of some lame comeback to the Gawker article. Whatever gets your blood racing, I guess.]
Hey, I thought it was ess eff people who were obsessed with competing with el lay, and SoCal people who were all laid back and “San Francisco is nice, ho hum” about it.
It must be about time for another one of those Wall Street Journal articles on “those wacky people in Berkeley.”

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