Pen is mightier

Saw this scanning the “tv video radio jobs” want ads at craigslist, dated Monday, March 10 (all [sic]):

Screen Writer with big package

SF Cop, with published paperback, looking for a real screen writer. No aspiring story-tellers or educated pencil-dicks. My book is raw, and dirty as the streets of Frisco. “The Rooster” is a paperback novel, a roman a clef. The screen writer must be the same. Cocaine, bad cops, and murder, set the stage. Corruption is everwhere. But the trouble at the Hall of Justice in The City ain’t nothing. Just wait—till the Rooster’s story breaks. So, if your tough, can write, and already have the Hollywood connections to get this story to the silver screen, contact SF’s finest:    The Rooster.

I love it! Maybe I should introduce the Rooster to my LJ friend suladog, though she may not be “equipped” for the job. (Insert joke about her husband, also a screenwriter, and pencils here.)
This is my favorite bit: “‘The Rooster’ is a paperback novel, a roman a clef. The screen writer must be the same.”

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