RFB badge

Hey, look at the left column of this blogorrhea blog. There is a kinda cool badge for RFB that I guess the blog owner made?

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2 responses to “RFB badge”

  1. liza Avatar

    are you saying you’re comfortable with my using a different font and ‘feel’ altogether? i got the futurismo font because you mentioned it but if you are not attached to the aesthetic, then let me know.
    what do you like about his banner? i like the graffiti feel to it.

  2. xian Avatar

    well, i wasn’t pointing to it particularly as a model. i was just sort of amazed that she (or someone) went and made it. it’s good to have a badge like that since the moxie.com’s of the world seem to like them.
    i like what you were doing with futurismo, but i’m really pretty open – few preconceived notions. it’s kind of nice to adapt what’s out there, like the Coke redesigns over the years, though. I can be convinced of almost anything, plus I expect us all to weigh in when the time comes.