The original EdgeWise

A fellow called scoffman just sent me a polite comment pointing out that his weblog, EdgeWise, has been around since May of 2003. While this blog has been around in one form or another since 2002, the fact is that we changed the name to Eddgewise just a month or so ago, without doing the diligent search for similarly named blogs that we probably should have done.
For what it’s worth, the original EdgeWise spells the name with an intercap W and we don’t. How’s that for brand differentiation?
Anyway, my impression is that we both agree that there’s little risk of confusion, but to be sure I’ll add a link to the sidebar pointing readers to the original EdgeWise just in case they ever end up here by mistake. What else can I say, beyond “Great minds think alike?” (Of course, I have to give credit to Cecil Vortex for coming up with the new name for this blog.)

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One response to “The original EdgeWise”

  1. EdgeWise Avatar

    Thanks. I think that’s fine. At some point, when I get around to redoing my blogroll so that it’s not automatically generated from my RSS subscriptions, I’ll reciprocate with a link.