Where are the bloggers over 50?

Janet of out of my mind asks, “Where are the blogs by persons over 50?”
In reply, I’d suggest checking out the ageless project. Currently, the first 23 people listed give birthdays over 50 years before today.
Janet, if you read this, one that jumps out from the list is wood s lot, born only a few months before my sweetheart. Start there.

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8 responses to “Where are the bloggers over 50?”

  1. mark Avatar

    Well, you could start with me, Janet. I’m over 50 but it never occurred to me as something interesting to write about. Maxine is over 70, but you could never tell it from her writing. As a matter of fact, from my correspondence, it seems like a lot of us are getting up there.
    Stay tuned for my next post on Depends.

  2. Your Guess Is As Good As Mine Avatar

    The Ageless Project

    Blogging is way that he at least creates the illusion of staying connected. Another way to look at it; believing we are separate is the illusion.

  3. Phil Avatar

    I just turned 54 last week, but my blog still has a full head of dark hair and the rippling musculature of an active thirty-something. Unfortunately, its short-term memory is not all that reliable, and it’s not uncommon to find it wandering around without having completely dressed itself.

  4. Fifty Avatar

    Janet has no comments box, so thought I’d say hi. I have the energy of a 105 year old!

  5. Debbie V Avatar
    Debbie V

    I am 52. I have just started learning HTML and created a layout for my blog at Blogger. It is very simplistic – but a start. I am trying to add new things. Just not sure how yet.
    For a long while I have been looking around for other blogs by people my age. I have changed so much these last few years, and I need to write about it. It seems people I meet of my own age have a lot in common.

  6. Your Guess Is As Good As Mine Avatar

    The Ageless Project

    Blogging is way that he at least creates the illusion of staying connected. Another way to look at it; believing we are separate is the illusion.

  7. Heather Avatar

    I’ve been asking myself that same question while searching for bloggers my age (I’m 53). I’ll have to check out the Ageless Project.
    It has seemed like I could only find older bloggers who were men mostly blogging about politics. I’d like to find more who blog about other things…

  8. Robert Avatar

    As someone who is 53 years young, I find that what small amount of experience we’ve found just may be useful as a generational time-space positioning. We were a political generation, at least when we weren’t partying or trying to believe in a system that totally screwed us. My own blog is political-social, but also metaphysical. Good luck, right? Well, I’ve been active in both frequency zones of reality for several decades. Blogging is just one more part of the tapestry. What a long, strange trip it’s been….