Casting call for reality blog

Wasn’t there a web soap opera called “the Spot” or something like that back around 1996 or ’97? It’s déjà vu all over again now with The BIG Blog Show! which calls itself The Internet’s First Reality Blog.
What’s a reality blog? Glad you asked. "What happens when you take a bunch of webloggers from various genres, styles, and locations around the world… and make them share one blog together for the world to read? The mind boggles.
To apply, you must first classify your blog, although you can choose multiple categories, including other:

  • Political blog
  • Entertainment blog
  • Random thoughts blog
  • Porn blog
  • Tech blog
  • Education blog
  • College blog
  • News blog
  • Music blog
  • Crazy guy/girl blog
  • Sexual blog
  • Intelligent blog
  • Athletic blog
  • Gaming blog
  • Other – please explain

They left out ethnic-stereotype blog.






6 responses to “Casting call for reality blog”

  1. Neva Avatar

    I just checked out the link. Looks stoopid.

  2. filchyboy Avatar

    Even better than that is the fact that all the Google ads on this page are designed to attract Christian singles to dating services.
    I had no idea Christian!

  3. The Blog Herald Avatar

    When trash television meets blogging

    (via radiofreeblogistan) Blurring the lines between reality television and blogging Jim Kukral has begun casting for the The Big Blog Show, billed as the “Internet’s 1st reality blog”. The concept is that there are 9 contestant bloggers blog onto the…

  4. Dast Avatar

    You know who else they left out?
    The Spammer.
    Seems to me, that’s when it becomes interesting, sharing the same blog.
    Oh and the Google ads here are off the hook. Christian singles, ha!

  5. Danny Avatar

    How wonderfully trashy!

  6. Raw Avatar

    Reality Blog

    What happens when you take a bunch of web bloggers from various genres, styles and locations around the world……