Tonight, at least, Pat Buchanan is a Kerry booster. (What is up with that, by the way? For the last several weeks I’ve noticed him shifting into a Bill Kristol-style-almost-neutral-observer-who-happens-to-be-a-hard-righter mode. Is it a carrer move? Or, as someone over at speculated, is it a by-product of his longstanding dislike for the Bush family?)
Meanwhile, Joe Scarborough is getting shouted down by Andrea Mitchell and Howard Fineman for making a big deal out of the fact that Kerry talked over his applause. (Both Feingold and Mitchell repeatedly shaking their heads and saying ‘can we talk about the content of his speech’ — amazing!)
Obama is (still) the bomb-a.
Moroca rocks.
Tucker Carlson has moved into Teddy Ruxpin territory. He’s admitting that it’s entirely possible that Bush will lose. Barbara Boxer should give him a hug.
Even Fox is being relatively gentle.
Kerry was likable.
His daughters were extraordinary.
It’s a good night to be a Democrat.
I just want to savor the moment
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2 responses to “I just want to savor the moment”
I’m still trying to figure out if bringing up religion in his speech was a good politcal move or not. The fact that the biggest applause of the night came after he said, “I do not wear my religion on my sleeve…but it does not mean I don’t have faith,” showed me that many of us are sick and tired of seeing religion dictate this country’s policies. Unfortunatley, I think those of us who want to keep religion in our homes and out of the public eye are in the severe minority. That Kerry had the balls to tackle that topic in his acceptance speech excites me as much as anything I’ve heard him talk about to date. I’m just afraid that the many, many, many religious fanatics in this country are going to take that as an indication of lack of faith on Kerry’s part, thus hurting him come election time. Hopefully I’m being over cautious in my thinking and many people were turned on by that portion of his speech rather than turned off.
So far, I’ve been pretty impressed by the way he handles his faith. One of the strongest moments in Kerry’s speech last night was the Lincoln quote re being less concerned with God being on our side than with us being on God’s side. It’s a tried and true sentiment. But it’s so much at the core, I think, of the way millions of us feel about our country, religious or not — that we have to strive to do what’s right and not just assume that because we’re the USA, what we do is right by definition.
And good golly did that line get a roar last night….