Year: 2005

  • An overdue realignment?

    A diarist at Daily Kos asks Will Real Conservatives Become Democrats? and provides some interesting links that suggest that a possibly unexpected realignment may be in the offing. * [Will Real Conservatives Become Democrats?]( * [Open Letter to Libertarians and Conservatives]( * [Thoughts from a Libertarian Democrat](

  • Time for bookmarklets 2.0

    Bookmarklets were always a hack, says Kevin Burton in his Feed Blog: Bookmarklets 2.0?. Is it time for some (don’t say it!) standards?

  • Google Earth in the wrong hands?

    A day or so after reading that a number of national governments are unhappy about Google Earth’s aerial views of their sensitive buildings and installations, I read in the Telegraph (UK) about Insurgents ‘using Google Earth’. There’s no real way to avoid these trade-offs, is there?

  • How do I blog?

    Frank Paynter at Sandhill Trek has been asking people this month how they blog. Cool people. Not me. Which is just as well, because I’d be tempted to make a joke (“very carefully”), or be all literal about software and processes (boring). I don’t think I have a good answer anyway. It keeps changing. Mostly…

  • Osama’s satellite phone

    With so many lies flying around about Bush’s warrantless wiretaps — even the lies have lies — one caught my ear the other day during Bush’s press conference and repeated by 9/11 commissioner Lee Hamilton in an article in today’s Times. The anecdote (much like Reagan’s false – but – still – believed – to…

  • b!X's postmortem on Portland Communiqué

    The One True b!X shuttered his citizen journalism site in September of this year (it launched in 2002). In Coda he looks back on that decision and elaborates on three major motivators: * Growing weariness with the prominence of demagoguery. * Major local stories looming on the horizon. * Inevitable future dominance of the financial…