Strange blog-spam problem

Movable Type is doing something bizarre here. I’ve got this entry, Blogging a yoga conference @ Radio Free Blogistan and it shows 19 spam comments in the counter and on the individual archive page. The spam comments are also showing up in my list of recent comments in the sidebar of RFB.
Ironically, they’ve all got “nofollow” attributes on the links, so they ain’t buying any Googlejuice for the spammers, but they’re still ugly and they clutter up my recent list.
So, just junk them and rebuild, right? Sounds easy. Here’s the problem:
I’ve already junked those comments _and_ repeatedly rebuilt the index page and the archive pages. The back-end information for the entry shows 0 comments. They are phantoms. I have no idea how they can be displayed on the page despite the rebuilds. I have no idea where they’re stored and where they’re coming from.
How can the backend and the frontend of an MT blog be out of synch like that?
I suppose I could poke around the database but I’d first like to have some idea of what’s going on.

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4 responses to “Strange blog-spam problem”

  1. Rayne Avatar

    Interesting and odd. I thought I’d also killed a bunch of comment spam by the same yoga outfit, too. I will say that the volume comment spam I’d been getting has dwindled dramatically of late, which seems a small miracle (bet it picks up again now that I’ve said this, ugh).

  2. Wong PoK Avatar

    A lot of my blogs have been infested by a lot of spams. I changed to WordPress, but the problem is still there. I have used some applications to limit spam and used moderation to control the entry of comments. I am just wondering how come other spams are able to penetrate my security.

  3. Wong PoK Avatar

    A lot of my blogs have been infested by a lot of spams. I changed to WordPress, but the problem is still there. I have used some applications to limit spam and used moderation to control the entry of comments. I am just wondering how come other spams are able to penetrate my security.

  4. Camilo Avatar

    I have been having the same problem, until I decided to junk the comments, delete them, and then rebuild the index after each spam-delete.
    Junk folder == zombie comments.
    This also works with the trackbacks.