The limits of open-source campaigning

Micah Sifry wrote up a Rasiej Campaign Post-Mortem analyzing how Andrew Rasiej’s campaign for Public Advocate in New York City managed to fall so short of success despite its embrace of open-source philosophies, techniques, and themes.
Gregory Heller responds in Thoughts on the Sifry Postmortem of the Rasiej Campaign, suggesting that Sifry may be blaming the open-source community for not embracing his candidate instead of truly examining the shortcomings of the campaign itself.
Aldon Hynes, blogmaster for DeStefano for Connecticut weighs in as well with Reflections on grassroots technology driven campaigns.
Disclosure: I am a contributor* to Personal Democracy Forum which is owned and financed by Andrew Rasiej and edited by Micah Sifry. I met Gregory Heller at the last PDF conference, but I do not know him particularly well. I’ve been friends with Aldon Hynes since the Dean campaign.
* * *
*Then again, I’m not a very _good_ contributor to PDF. I haven’t posted anything worthwhile to the blog there in several months and I have thus far failed to submit the last two stories I agreed to write for them (but Kate I am working on them, honest!)

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One response to “The limits of open-source campaigning”

  1. Michael Meckler Avatar

    I found Micah Sifry’s comments fascinating, and I have excerpted them in an entry on my own blog dealing with online advertising in political campaigns.
    P.S. Your name looked familiar. I was Princeton ’87 (classics). I did not take any philosophy courses (other than the Plato I learned in Greek 103 with John Keaney), but perhaps we met in other classes.