Congratulations, Jerry McNerney and staff!

Victory is sweet. While other Democratic politicians in the state of California were making nice to Schwarzenegger, abandoning Angelides and risking the rest of the state ticket, an army of grassroots supporters, many of them veterans of the Dean insurgency, backed McNerney early and worked their hearts out to get him elected, upsetting the complacent Pombo in his gerrymandered safe seat.
The party thought it was too much of a longshot but we persevered. I remember the meetings after Dean went down when we asked each other, “What next?” Nearly all of us said this was just the beginning. We had never expected one campaign to change the country completely. We were in it for the long haul. Dean turned us into activists on a mission: change the party, change Congress, change the country, take back the presidency.
For one of those items at least: Mission Accomplished.

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