The twelve-month review

Levi Asher tagged me with a meme, according to which I am to list the first sentence of the first post of each month for the past year. I’m game:
* January: “The talented Lisa Williams has launched Placeblogger” (Local blogging gets a site)
* February: “Grab your preferred username at Useless Account before someone else does!” (Signing up for the sake of signing up)
* March: “This story (Open Call From the Patent Office) suggest that a breath of fresh air may be entering the patent-review process” (Open sourcing the patent process)
* April: “What knowledge would be lost to the company if I were to leave tomorrow? What do I know that I have done a thousand times that I think everyone already knows?” (Pattern Mining)
* May: “Hmm, those options have an excluded middle.” (Answering danah’s twitter questions)
* June: “Over on the Well, in the public Inkwell topic, I’m interviewing my pal Nick Meriwether about his new book, All Graceful Instruments: The Contexts of the Grateful Dead, a scholarly work looking at the Dead phenomenon from a variety of perspectives.” (I’m interviewing Nicholas Meriwether)
* July: “If you missed Every Breath You Take: Identity, Attention, Privacy, and Reputation last March at South By here’s your chance to hear me, Ted Nadeau, Kaliya Hamlin, Mary Hodder, and George Kelly take on these topics, very early one Sunday morning after an untimely daylight savings change and, for many people, a night of carousing and drinking free drinks sponsored by startups and web behemoths.” (Podcast of my sxsw panel is now live)
* August: “Three jobs I have held: vendor at Yankee stadium, freelance legal summarizer, assistant sexton” (Three things about me you may not have known)
* September: “23. Write lots of numbered lists.” (35 ways to draw more readers to your blog – a series)
* October: “Since I started at Yahoo my workaday routine involves riding a shuttle from Oakland to Sunnyvale with a big laptop computer crammed on my lap so I can work, browse the net, or as I’ve been doing lately, blog.” (Can I blog from my iPhone?)
* November: “I’m feeling a bit under the weather, fighting off some kind of bug.” (Stumbling out of the gate)
* December: “Get salad greens and heirloom tomatoes at the farmer’s market at Splash Pad park” (Things to done)
I’ll pass this meme contagion along by infecting So-called Bill, Cecil, Leisa, Woody, and Christina.

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One response to “The twelve-month review”

  1. Dan Harrelson Avatar

    Meme picked up! Thanks for tagging me with this, it was fun to review my year in blogging.