…and we’re back again


As I brushed off the old ‘bblog a month or so back, I decided to go ahead and update to latest version of WordSquisher, the software I use to run this site these days.

I conveniently forgot that some of my plugins were obsolete and are starting to misbehave or had big labels on them saying things like “do not upgrade because new version breaks the site” or similar, and went ahead and blindly updated the site, immediately breaking it.

The random recent tweets in the top of the page disappeared. The whole “featured thingy” area on the home page (still flogging Desiging Social Interfaces) vanished. Even the cool painting of me done by the designers at the (now defunct) Arkik Studio on Lisbon went away. Not cool!

So, in my lazyweb way I put out a request on the tweeters for someone to help diagnose and fix my site. The lovely, the talented Aaron Silvers recommended fellow Up to All of Us alum Brian Dusablon who was unfortunately too successful and busy to lend a hand directly but whom referred me to the crackerjack team at SpectrOMtech, where David, David, and Jennifer just finished fixing things up around here for me.

I have a few incremental improvements in mind but for now I’m happy to have this design back to functioning the way it was intended.

How does it look?

UPDATE: Hmm, looks like the header on blog archive pages ain’t quite right!

UPDATED UPDATE: There we go. Looking good!

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2 responses to “…and we’re back again”

  1. Jennifer Avatar

    Looking good, updated blogger! Am working on getting mine up to speed!