Today's the last day to vote for my so-called SxSW panel

SXSWPanelPicker-lgErin and I want to get a bunch of people together at South by Southwest in Austin next March to play SocialMania, the card game we’ve just started beta testing. If that sounds fun, go (sign up and) vote one snaps up for SocialMania: Designing Social Interfaces – The Game.

Also, Dave Gray, myself, and a some other fantastic people are prepared to talk about the rise of the unbook (not the opposite of a book but an unfinished book, a deliberately never-finished book – Designing Social Interfaces is, to some extent, and unbook). I’ve been involved in publishing and technology since the late ’80s and have some thoughts to share from that perspective. Dave Gray and Jay Cross have really worked on this unbook idea in public, as it should be done, and Dave’s Marks and Meaning (current version is 0.5, I believe) is already a wonder.

One more plug: another collaboration with Dave Gray and a different lineup of heavies, including my colleague LukeW from Yahoo! as well as Aza Raskin from Mozilla and peeps from Microsoft and the Goog. The theme is Browsing the Future: Visualizing the Everywhere Internet and I believe Dave will be rapidly sketching the conversation in real time. The comments on that particular proposal and very encouraging.

Vote early and often, or rather just in the nick of time and just this once. Thanks.