Author: cecil

  • My (little) pony in this race

    So I’ve been thinking through the various scenarios, trying to puzzle out what I’d like to see happen in Iowa. And I’ve concluded that, whatever else goes down, the main thing I’m hoping for is a third or fourth-place finish for Dick Gephardt. It’s not that he’s a bad guy. He’s not. It’s just that…

  • Wesley and me

    On Wednesday (somehow I missed this at the time — didn’t seem to really get much press…), Michael Moore wrote an endorsement letter for Wes Clark, now posted on This is new stuff — not just a rehash of the Draft Clark era letter he wrote a while back. It’s a pretty short, fairly…

  • Dean: up on the downbeat?

    As Christian sez below, Edwards is doing pretty well in Iowa. So’s Kerry. Gephardt’s holding fairly strong. Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, Clark continues to close on Dean. Kerry’s picked up a few points. Lieberman’s making some late progress. Really, pollwise, just about every major candidate ‘cept Dean has some reason for renewed hope this past…

  • Synchronicity

    About 10 hours before I posted “To Ohio and beyond” (see below), the always excellent featured a post making pretty much exactly the same point. And that’s odd, I think. I mean, my observation wasn’t particularly timely. It happens that yesterday’s post popped into my head when it did. But it could have easily…

  • To Ohio and beyond

    There’s a new poll out for Ohio, which holds its primary on March 2nd. Like a lot of state-primary polls right now, it puts Dean well out in front (29%) with Clark in a fairly distant second (17%). If you’re like me, you look at that, and you have to think: wow, that’s one heck…

  • Hunkering data perv

    The latest ARG tracking poll for New Hampshire shows Clark gaining 2 points per day over the past 5 days, for a total climb from 12% up to 20% and a very solid second-place showing. Meanwhile in contrast, over the same period Edwards has shot up from 3% to, er, um, 3%.