Category: Gigs

  • First YDN video podcast with Jonathan Leblanc

    Jonathan gives a few shout outs to the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library and my new book, Designing Social Interfaces. The best part is when the host says he considers the Yahoo! Developer Network to be “the unsung hero of the Internet.”

  • The book has arrived!

    the book has arrived! Originally uploaded by erin_designr We started our book proposal around June of ’08…

  • Yahoo! Design Pattern Library relaunches with 10 new social patterns

    Over one year in the making… The work of many hands… A much overdue look-and-feel refresh, with some much-needed (if subtle) usability improvements… I am bursting with pride that I’m able to announce today the relaunch of the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library with “ten new patterns, a reorganized category-structure, cleaner URLs for easier bookmarking, and…

  • See me speak at IDEA 2009

    The IDEA Conference looks at the intersection of physical and information space and wonders how you design experiences for that. At IDEA we’ll combine a straightforward presentation of the ideas in Designing Social Interfaces with an interactive quasi-workshop activity involving play-testing a prototype card game we’re designing.

  • BT intent on his monitor

    BT intent, originally uploaded by xian. A snapshot of the evening entertainment last night at Yahoo! for the kickoff of the iPhoneDevCamp 3.

  • Designing Social Interfaces, Rough Cut edition now available from O'Reilly Media

    Designing Social Interfaces – Rough Cut | O’Reilly Media Originally uploaded by xian The unedited, 500 page first draft of our book is available now in PDF format for review by anyone who can’t bear to wait till September for the first (“real”) edition to come out. Yay!