Category: long story short
No Time to Lose on Burning Flags!
At last, Vice President Cheney has had the guts to stick his neck out and move the flag-burning ammendment to the front burner. Facing up to the flag-burning crisis that is overwhelming our nation may not be popular or fashionable or “hep-cat,” but it is the right thing to do.
Breaking my blog fast
Well, my book shipped a week or so ago and the promotional effort begins now in earnest although the pub date isn’t till Sept 1. I had to unplug for a while and really minimize my online reading and blogging, catch up on sleep and other metabolic necessities, and so on. Plus, I’ve now started…
Video Shows Foreign Fighters in Major Iraq Attacks
(The Reuters video in question) Mostly British and American, I suppose.
It’s OK, Ma, They’ve Stopped Beating Their Wives.
It has been widely reported and openly acknowledged that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld issued orders to employ “harsh interrogation techniques”–orders that were later rescinded. A similar sequence occurred later in Iraq, with respect to interrogation orders issued by General Sanchez. In both cases, the orders were reversed on legal advice that the techniques authorized looked…
‘Liberal’ losing its pejorative power?
I’ve noticed that right wingers seem to believe that Democrats and liberals must be “outed” as closet socialists. The fact that they are bandying the word socialist around this way makes me wonder if the word liberal itself is losing its sting. Do they need to remind people that that liberal = left = socialist…
US Decries Iranian Meddling
Iran Is in Strong Position to Steer Iraq’s Political Future, NYT, 7/3/04 ….Already, the Iranian government has quietly strengthened its presence in Iraq by providing financial backing…and by flooding the country with intelligence agents, the officials say….Most worrisome to American officials are Iran’s close ties to powerful Shiite clerics like Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani…and Moktada…
Our Question Wins by a Mile!
In March, I blog-worried about which of two questions about Bush and Terrorism would prevail: Our Question or his. I think now we know. [W]hich of two messages will end up as the net “take-away” …. –The weak one is that Bush didn’t care enough about terror: It’s mushy, vague, “who can know?”, etc. –The…
FT counterstory anticipates Marshall’s scoop
Marshall’s hypothetical: “‘[T]he bad actors’ … might well start trying to fight back, trying to gin up an alternative storyline to exculpate themselves….”
Bush testifies without Cheney present
“I have thought from the beginning that this case was a ticking time bomb,” writes MARK (in Mark A. R. Kleiman: Valerie Plame: A chat with the Prez): Having interviewed Dick Cheney some time ago, yesterday Patrick Fitzgerald, the special prosecutor working on the Valerie Plame affair, spent an hour and ten minutes with the…
I pledge alliegance to my respective country…
This was a Reuters headline today: Serb Vote Halts Feared Slide Back to Nationalism The AP story led with: A reformist politician defeated a nationalist ally of Slobodan Milosevic… I wonder, seriously wonder, what in the world we Americans do think about nationalism. Do we think that we are nationalistic? If so, do we take…
The Detainee Documents
The statements on detainee treatment released by the Bush administration yesterday carefully keep all the options of torture and Geneva violations open. From today’s NYT (All italics are mine.) “[A] senior Justice Department official said the document [the already infamous 8/02 Justice Department memo] was ‘overbroad and irrelevant’ and was unnecessary because no one in…
Too Deep for Me
I was listening to a review of this new kid’s movie, and I don’t get why there’s a law that a rowboat will not harm a human being!
Cheney’s Shootdown Orders
When Cheney issued the shootdown orders on 9/11, he said Bush had “signed off on the concept.” Apparently Bush told him not to issue the order right away, when he got off the phone. It was more like: “Shoot down the planes, but only if someone asks.”
Why I [heart] the Poor Man
Despite the occasional charming spelling lapse, Andrew Northrup writes with the crisp biting wit of a Mencken or Swift. For example: Men of Principle No blockquote. Best read in toto. Another reason why bloggers rule and pundits drool: Northrup doesn’t have any access to power to worry about, just his eyes and his ears and…
aka “State-Sponsored Terrorism”
Many of us saw this news item last week: Ex-C.I.A. Aides Say Iraq Leader Helped Agency in 90’s Attacks, NYT, 6/9/04, article “Iyad Allawi, now the designated prime minister of Iraq, ran an exile organization…that sent agents into Baghdad in the early 1990’s to plant bombs and sabotage government facilities under the direction of the…
I, for one, welcome my new consultant overlords
There’s no ink on the contract yet but odds are looking very good that starting in July I’ll be joining a consulting firm as chief mumbledymumbledy officer and work with some clients on projects that combine a lot of my interests today: netroots activism, taking back congress, weblogs and webfeeds and wikis oh my, promoting…
TPM hints at big scoop in not-too-distant future
Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: June 13, 2004 – June 19, 2004 Archives: I and several colleagues have been working on a story that, if and when it comes to fruition – and I’m confident it shall – should shuffle the tectonic plates under that capital city where I normally hang my hat.…
No, truth is MUCH stranger…
Guantanamo interrogators use tea and ‘mental chess’ -Reuters, 6/14/04. (article) “Building rapport can mean sharing a Big Mac meal from the base McDonald’s…”
History Lesson
Contractor Immunity a Divisive Issue Washington Post, 6/13/04. (Article) In an early test of its imminent sovereignty, Iraq’s new government has been resisting a U.S. demand that thousands of foreign contractors here be granted immunity from Iraqi law…. Extraterritoriality The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. (Entry) …. privilege of immunity from local law enforcement enjoyed…
Friendly Persuasion
Guantanamo Cell Tapes Turned Over to U.S. Officials, Reuters 6/13/04 “The tapes were turned over to the military’s Southern Command in Miami, which has jurisdiction over Guantanamo.” OK, then. The Southern Command in Miami has jurisdiction over Guantanamo. And United States’ law has jurisdication over the Southern Command. Yet United States’ law does not have…
Imagine, a day off
For the first time in 39 days on Friday I wasn’t the bottleneck in the editorial and production flow of my book. Today I had a day off on a weekend for the first time in months. I almost wasn’t sure it was real: the feeling of being able to do nothing, lie in the…