Category: long story short
Stupidity lessons
I was really not at my best yesterday. Everything felt like a struggle. I forgot simple things when shopping, brought home fruit with gouges or visible patches of mold on them, knocked over two beers next to the refrigerator so hard that I loosened their caps and they started foaming up all over the linoleum.…
Bush toy a disappointment
Apparently the aviator-flashback doll of President George W. Bush didn’t play well with others in the household (and backyard) of this writer.
Please all, please none
Matt Welch deftly illustrates how Gray Davis, a trimmer, has micromanaged himself into standing for nothing and for nobody. OK, I guess “raising money” and “himself” might fit the bill, but the point is that those of us who fear another right-wing coup legal project have little to fight with here. We can be against…
O’Reilly as USENET-type troll
In this Blogcritis post, Stephen Silver fisks Bill O’Reilly’s “editorial” defending the Fox network’s lawsuit against Al Franken (for people outside the Instapundit orbit, fisking has come to mean interlacing a source text with refutations and rebuttals). While scanning the article (it isn’t too hard to debunk O’Reilly’s half-baked bluster), I noticed a familiar typo:…
A life in miniature
I’m continuing to assemble scraps of past weblog/journals into this one. I just retrieved all the entries to the Diaryland journal I called Still Breathing. It was my first attempt at taking the experiment of Breathing Room from an entirely hand-coded flat-file system to an automated one. It was still in the diary/journal form that…
I’ve got your ‘fair and balanced’ right here
Oliver Willis sees conspiracies (Dear Fox News) what the rest of us rubes attribute to shortsightedness and malice.
Apologia for Michael Moore
This front-page post to kuro5hin includes a point-by-point defense of Michael Moore and “Bowling for Columbine”. I still haven’t seen the movie, but I keep meaning to so I can make up my own mind about it.
Depends on the meaning of ‘imminent’
Apologists for the Bush team and its war policy now say that Bush et al. never declared the threat from Iraq to be an “imminent” threat. Slyblog, among others, isn’t letting them get away with revising history. I thought this kind of parsing of words to excuse half-truths and outright lies went out with the…
Best analysis of recall yet
Once again, The Onion has the best political coverage around.
Reclaiming our political history
The liberal project has miles to go, but the Republican habit of vilifying the word liberal stops here with me right now.
Lieberman breaks Reagan’s 11th Commandment
Regardless of which Democrat eventually gets the nomination, by no means should the candidates be tearing each other down at this stage. I was dismayed to see Lieberman attacking Dean as too liberal, as quoted in this Dean interview with Larry King: KING: Speaking of the others attacking you, yesterday, on Sunday, Senator Joe Lieberman,…
The Cluetrain candidate
Influential weblogger, academic, consultant and author David Weinberger (one of the coauthors of the Cluetrain Manifesto), has come out For Howard Dean: [W]hat I’ve been doing so far: Sundry writing for the campaign and talking with them about Net issues. I’ve also done a little speaking on behalf of the campaign – well, once, substituting…
SRO on Coulter
I generally try to ignore Ann Coulter (as I do all trolls) but I couldn’t resist mentioning that over at Standing Room Only, Hugh Elliott has some Queer Tips for the Right-Wing Bitch.
Pictures of the boys
When I was in New York I got to spend one evening with my mom, brother, sister-in-law, and nephews, who have since turned one year old. As is often the case, most of the pictures I took came out blurry, but some seemed worth preserving, even with motion lines. I tried using the flash, but…
California Insider weblog
Via Tim Porter’s First Draft we learn that Sacramento Bee politcal columnist Dan Weintraub has got a blog called California Insider: Weintraub started the blog in April. Even though he self-identifies as a member of the “dreaded mainstream media,” he inspires bridge the gap between David Broder and Mickey Kaus, “hoping that the combination produces…
The sore losers
People keep asking me what I think about this recall. I’ve never been a fan of Gray, Grey, Gumby, Eraserhead, Gravy Davy, or whatever else you may wish to call him, but I am uncomfortable with the growing willingness of the Republican Party to push at least to the limit of the letter of the…
Protect, restore, celebrate
They got her title wrong and gave her credit for some things that should have gone to her coworker, but the Sunday Chronicle’s article on the Bay Trail, BAY TRAIL ADVENTURE / Tramping East Bay to the Bay Bridge, featured some extensive quotations from B: Out in the grass, Briggs Nisbet and her crew bent…
Keep your eye on that yellowcake
Matthew Yglesias asks even if the documents purporting to show that Saddam tried to purchase uranium in Niger in the last five years were forged, shouldn’t we still be worried about who else might take an interest in obtaining that yellowcake stuff?
al-Qaeda Who?
CalPundit sums up a few more speedbumps on Bush’s road to reelection (Shit, Meet Fan), the 9-11 Report’s implication of no link between Iraq and al-Qaeda and a shitstorm brewing between the CIA and the neocons in the White House. Me, I’m trying to put together a political blogroll for this site. So far I’ve…
The incredible shifting blame
Kos sees confusion in the White House’s constantly shifting blame for the 16 little words: Except I thought that was supposed to be Tenet’s fault. But then it wasn’t Tenet. So it was Hadley. Case closed! Except … wouldn’t Rice have responsibility for reviewing her deputy’s work? I mean, we’re talking SOTU here. And let’s…
Noticing Oliver
The Boston Globe has published an article (‘Blogs’ shake the political discourse), in which Oliver Willis’ outsized influence is noted: But he has a political platform of his own, a website called, which he runs from his sparsely furnished apartment in Dedham. And when he posted an essay there, promoting former Vermont governor Howard…