Category: long story short
DeLaygate gathering steam
Joshua Marshall is doing his usual bang-up job of covering every angle of the ongoing Tom DeLay scandal dealing with misuse of Homeland Security resources in the Texas redistricting conflict, and subsequent attempts to cover tracks.
Who lost the WMDs
Instead of accusing the U.S. and U.K. executive administrations of misleading, exaggerating, or even lying to the public about Saddam’s weapons of mass distruction, I’d rather stipulate to their existence, especially the chem and bio weapons that western countries helped him develop. I have another question entirely: where are they? Have me indeed made it…
On shutting up
Men are encouraged to dominate conversation without even thinking about it, says Dan Spalding, who has another suggestion: shut up already. Elizabeth Lane Lawley makes a similar point, and asks women with strong voices, “What do you think women should be doing to start getting their voices heard?”
Credit where Credit is due
Orcinus finds something to praise the Bush administration for: tamping down anti-Muslim rhetoric and avoiding the “clash of civilizations” interpretation of terror and middle-east politics.
Rusty Shackleford bites back
Is evil Tom DeLay the inspiration for Hank Hill’s neighbor Dale Gribble on King of the Hill?
Social Software
Jabber and Decentralization
Workbench: Saturday, June 07, 2003
Workbench: Saturday, June 07, 2003
DaveNet : New York Times Archive and Weblogs
DaveNet : New York Times Archive and Weblogs
Doing stuff
… experience guilt over dental checkup, no coverage for proposed $454 mouthguard for grinding – would valium be cheaper? … sort out remaining sections of chapter 5 to write … talk to b about friday plans, about ladies who happy hour, about seeing grey pawn trio at cato’s later tonight … blog kat’s monkey cat…
When did the Nation get weblogs?
Someone on the Well just pointed me to Katrina vanden Heuvel’s blog. They’ve got RSS feeds too.
Some days I feel like moving back to New York
When I realize that I’ll probably miss my 25th grade school reunion in June and I miss my mother on mother’s day and I wish I had been at my brother’s birthday sendoff before his next trip to Greece, I sometimes think about moving back to New York. Other times I don’t: Sure, you passed…
File not found
This 404 error file makes good use of Comical Ali.
Raise the personal exemption!
Mark A.R. Kleiman points to a “fun fact” that reminds me of my idea for a liberal tax-cut initiative that I think would call the bluff of the plutocrats running the show these days. Let’s stipulate that it’s important to cut taxes by $350 billion, or $550 billion or whatever fakey number the shills on…
Bruised my esophagus
If life were supposed to be fair I suppose I could complain the arbiter or ombudsmand that it’s completely unfair for me to have contracted yet another nasty flu within one month’s time. Then again, the answer might come back that I was just too happy in New Orleans and this is my punishment now.…
Brought home the good weather
Everyone says it’s rained pretty hard the whole time we were out of town, but it was only partly cloudy (thick, fat clouds, though, with gray areas) last night and today I’m seeing the same windswept crystal blue sky we had in New Orleans, decorated by the local variety of cloudfluff, so maybe the same…
The feeling of vacation
“Are you going to do any blogging when you’re here?” my friend S asked me. I told him probably not. Maybe I’ll upload some digital pix from around town or from the crowds (or stage shots) at Fest. But I did have to get online to send a file I had been unable to send…
Selective demagoguery update
I see lots of kvetching over at Instapundit today about details of the looting, convoluted meta-arguments about WMD, and the strange idea that Tim Robbins and Michael Moore have claimed that they’ve been repressed “by the system” while straw-liberals the world around have ignored Castro’s crimes. (Has anyone compared Hollywood union techs and baseball hagiography…
Toward participatory online democracy
Paul Ford thinks the Senate should have an RSS feed, and the House, and the Supreme Court, and the White House. I think he’s right, and I like his approach to raising the subject.
Packing for New Orleans
Just checked the weather report for New Orleans today, sunny and dry. B and I have been to Jazz Fest something like eight times in the last decade, and I think we’ve made it there for the last five or six in a row (it gets hard to keep track after a while). We’ve been…
Did U.S. troops encourage the looting?
This site published an allegation that the occupying troops declared open season on looting. Was this a propaganda effort (look! freedom!) that got out of hand? When you couple it with reports that much of the museum looting was “professional” in nature, it looks pretty ugly. (Not as ugly as maimed human beings, but centuries…
Last-minute tax panic
So I had my federal and state taxes all worked out this weekend and was just doublechecking the figures and adding a few bits of trivia (my EIN, for example) and getting ready to file electronically tonight. Turns out my copy of TurboTax did not have one current form (8880 – related to 401k tax…