Category: long story short

  • The Right to Bear Arms. EVERYWHERE!

    Increasingly, we are fighting a war to defend the right of American troops to enter Iraqi cities. Per this 9/5/04 NYT article… One by One, Iraqi Cities Become No-Go Zones “In Iraq, the list of places from which American soldiers have either withdrawn or decided to visit only rarely is growing: [Samarra,] Falluja,…Ramadi,…the holy Shiite…

  • Statehood for Iraq?

    Today, US Maj. Gen. Peter Chiarelli put “an American face” on the most fateful decision shaping the future of Iraq. Per this AP story… Commander: Fight with Al-Sadr Not Over AP, 9/2/04 “The fight with renegade Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is not over and the U.S. military must retake his stronghold in Baghdad’s Sadr City…

  • UN Peacekeepers Needed to Separate US Forces from Iraqis

    The worst violence in Iraq is consistently touched off in places where there is contact between the opposing forces. If UN peacekeepers (perhaps recruited from predominately Christian nations) could just contain the Americans in unpopulated areas, violence could be curtailed. Another possibility would be to allow US troops into the cities and evacuate the Iraqis.…

  • DEA Dogs Busted!

    The DEA is scrambling to explain reports that a number of dogs in its employ have been found sniffing drugs.

  • The National Guard: He Wanted It to Be a Surprise!

    Democrat ‘Ashamed’ He Helped Bush, AP, 8/29/04 “Bush…has said he received no special treatment and did not seek help to be admitted to the Guard….” “White House spokesman Scott McClellan said….’This was fully covered and addressed five years ago. It is nothing new.’ “Five years ago, Barnes’s lawyer issued a statement saying Barnes had been…

  • to NYT: “A serious lapse in editorial command!”

    [I sent this as a Letter to the Editor of the NYT. today] You said, accurately, in your editorial, “The Road to Confrontation in Najaf,” 8/21/04… “[This] showdown began…because of serious lapses in the American military command structure in Iraq….when a newly arrived Marine Expeditionary Unit in Najaf started skirmishing with Moktada al-Sadr’s Shiite militia…