Category: long story short

  • Zogby attempts to steal thunder from Vortex — calls election for Kerry 24 hours later

    Here’s an odd coincidence — so Saturday, I post “This was the week Bush lost the election” and even at the time I’m thinking, OK, sure, this is how it feels, but really, this post is a touch overboard. I mean, 6 months out? Clinton was losing to Bush senior like 3 months out. Dukakis…

  • Fact of the day: 3 times more spent on Iraq war than on homeland security

    Fact of the day, worth mulling and sharing: according to this article in the Chron, we’ve spent 3 dollars on Iraq to every dollar spent on homeland security. Not might spend. Or will spend. Or could spend. Spent. Done did. Insane. Some folks are getting frustrated that Kerry’s not doing much of late. I’m one…

  • Must-read column from Newsweek’s Fareed Zakaria

    Over the last couple of years, Fareed Zakaria’s analysis has been unrelentingly sharp, honest, and more often than not, borne out by the events that follow. I still can’t believe he writes for Newsweek. Anyways, The Price of Arrogance sums up the moment better than just about anything else I’ve seen this week. Highly recommended.

  • This was the week Bush lost the election

    At first, we went to Iraq to get the WMD. Then there were no WMD. Then we retroactively went to Iraq to free the Iraqis and be the liberators. It was a just war. This is the week the war officially became something to be sad and ashamed about for a much larger pool of…

  • Who Goes Free?

    I would guess that for the prison officials, the risks authorizing a prisoner’s release were considerable, while the potential rewards were scant. If someone you released turned up later attacking US forces, it might, in effect, end your career. But even bureaucratically, if the records are missing, or they are vague about the reason for…

  • My Apologies

    The posting I made under the heading “Three Strikes?” cited this report from a Reuters dispatch: “An official said a soldier was convicted in the U.S. military justice system of killing a prisoner by hitting him with a rock, and was reduced in rank to private and thrown out of the service but did not…