Category: long story short

  • If your candidate was a rock band

    Reading Andrew Bayer is Dreaming of China: Edwards Or Clark?, I posted a comment that I like enough to reprint here, with one small addition in an alternate version: We’ll know soon enough. I agree with Philip. Kerry’s joementum will be unstoppable unless something changes the dominant media narrative. This means someone has to attack…

  • Bush’s neoliberal foreign policy

    One of Bob Dole’s many yeeeagh moments in his long and cranky career was his surly reference to “Democrat wars” back around 1976, I think it was. (Yes, if anybody earned the right to resent the politicians who sent him to war, it is Bob Dole.) Well, we finally have had a purely Republican war.…

  • In the kitchen

    This morning I made the coffee as usual and was about to get the oatmeal started when I thought I heard whispering from inside the refrigerator. I put down the pot and it stopped. Then it started again. I could distinctly hear a voice speaking in French. How strange! I went to the fridge and…

  • Took the words right out of my mouth

    Over at Not Geniuses, Nico Pitney has reprinted Damian Carroll’s Where We Stand, and so will I: January 29, 2004 I was forwarded this message with none of the author’s contact information – but it is an amazing piece for doubtful Deaniacs… (Oh, and before you read on, can I just ask – is it…

  • Two races

    Looks to me like we now have two races: one for president and one for veep. A sort of consensus is emerging. The nominee is going to be a northeastern liberal with some crossover appeal, the vice-president will be from the south. The ticket will probably include one veteran and one populist. In the Kerry/Dean…

  • Who you gonna trust — the pundits or your lying eyes?

    There’s a simple scenario where someone-not-named-Kerry still pulls it out: come Feb 3rd, victories are shared around. For example, Kerry wins Mo., Edwards wins SC, Lieberman wins Delaware, Dean wins NM and mebbe AZ, Clark wins OK. North Dakota abstains. That’s it. That’s all it takes. If Dean and Edwards get past Feb 3 without…