Category: long story short
Ride the hype cycle, baby!
riding the Gartner hype cycle
How to criticize Obama as a terrible negotiator
If Obama’s opening position is too close to the expected split-the-difference middle, point out that he is caving and that the deal will be too far to the right. If Obama’s opening position is much further to the left (including, say, a public option or a permanent solution to the debt-ceiling b.s.), say that he…
Plugin test
Twitter tools just made me install Mailchimp’s social plugin, which may have munged my comment area, hence this test post. UPDATE: Well, updating the plugins still hasn’t restored the tweets to the banner area of the blog, and there have been a serious of crash/freeze/hangs, so now I’ve disabled the “social” and “twitter tools” plugins…
Quick test of a new comment plug-in
Looking to see if I can integrate my comment system with fubber and twudder…