Category: Music
I've created a monster
Pete Hoskins of This Pirate Kills Fascists has recorded the first known rendition of my li’l ditty (I Sing the Blogistan Electric). Amazing stamina! Some moments really cracked me up, especially with the overrunning lines! It occurs to me that the chorus should really be “this’ll be the day blogging died” or “this’ll be the…
Spam sells
So who’s buying all that herbal v1agra? rich, stupid guys: There was a picture on the top of the page that said, ‘As Seen on TV,’ and I guess that made me think it was legit.
Google still working fine
Ev says the whole I’m the first Bruce on Google phenomenon isn’t really a good test of whether it’s working. Now, if you go to Google and type Robb’s Law an click the I Feel Lucky button, you’ll see that Google is on top of things.
Weinberger for Dean
As noted in Art of the Possible (The Cluetrain Candidate), David Weinberger, the author, academic, and consultant behind JOHO the Blog and such influential volumes as The Cluetrain Manifesto (coauthor) and Small Pieces, Loosely Joined, has endorsed Howard Dean and formally joined his campaign staff as a senior adviser.
All Jon Ames all the time
It’s a small web but I wouldn’t want to paint it. Yesterday I get notifed that Jonathan Ames, a friend from way back, will be appearing on David Letterman (again) tonight (Wednesday, July 30). In that message he also mentioned that his website has been updated (I liked his old Flash animation, though) and that…
Memory transplants
Well, I bit the bullet, installed some perl modules and migrated over the entries in my LiveJournal, bodega, from January through October of 2002 (and a single entry from June of this year) to this X-POLLEN weblog. I’ve been doing a bunch of migrations moving other sites from Radio to Movable Type and from Blogger…