Category: Musicology

  • Camfoolery

    Been geeking around on a PC again. Borrowed a Dell for an upcoming documentation project and been bidding on Thinkpad’s on ebay for another project. (Found out I’m going to be working with Molly on the project I can’t talk about yet, which is cool!) So after I wondered about using my new camera part-time…

  • Ken Layne looking for online column

    If there’s any blogger out there who deserves a decent-paying column gig, it’s Ken Layne. He’s got the writing chops, the journalism dues paid, and the blog cred. What more is required?

  • Uncle Osama wants you

    Too much work, constant deadlines, and a general disgust with the state of geopolitics has made me reduce my reading of the media to a bare minimum. It’s too easy to get stressed out and crazy from the barrage of propaganda, lies, and distorted truths in the mediasphere. Blogs are no better, in general, but…

  • Ain't no thesis like a P-Funk thesis…

    Is the academic world ready for the awesome power of a fully operational mothership? Scot Hacker reports that an article he wrote on Parliament-Funkadelic for a book by Pagan Kennedy has inspired a master’s thesis. Now maybe his seminal writings on Liberace will finally get the attention they deserve in the ivory towers of our…

  • Confidentiality Notice

    This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of…

  • Drawing a bead

    Happy Mardi Gras. The beadcam shows a pretty tame daytime scene at this moment, but it may get more interesting this evening. [via MZ]

  • Just noticed

    Get Your War On’s tribute to Mr. Rogers.

  • Who is

    So I’m goofing around thumbing through the always entertaining Craigslist and I notice that they’ve added (or made more accessible) a system basically allowing people to flag items as inappropriate, misfiled, or especially good. In a way it’s like the modding up and down they do at Slashdot. Anyway, I go to check out the…

  • Curious juxtaposition No. 2

    1997: 2003:

  • Nothing to see here

    Test category-based trackback ping functionality between this blog and metaxian, which really sohuld be and eventually probably will be just a category of this blog. Now move along.

  • X-POLLEN design maintenance

    X-POLLEN design maintenance DONE add comments links – 10 DONE add rss modules DONE fix CSS problems THE BANNER THAT WASN’T WORKING: +-+—-+ |B| | +-+blog| |s|body| |i| | |d| | |e| | +-+ | | | | | +—-+ Here was the offending CSS code (though I should probably include the sidebar code it…

  • But did he?

    Cory Doctorow quotes himself in BoingBoing: Doctorow on Gibson in Mindjack My review of WIlliam Gibson’s Pattern Recognition is up on Mindjack today. The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.” This is, after all, the man who coined the word “cyberspace”… Ah, but did he? My understanding…

  • Bofus?

    Damn! I subscribe to Mike Watt’s mailing list and wade through tons of announcements for gigs in the southland and then I miss a rare Banyan appearance in an intimate SF room? What’s wrong with me? How frustrating. It’s been too long since I heard my favorite bass player. Scot Hacker was there: To Elbo…

  • Bit the bullet

    Just now finally got around to upgrading the version of Movable Type driving this X-POLLEN blog. Since I installed version 2.5 there was a 2.51 upgrade and possibly a 2.52, and then the recent more substantial release of 2.6, quickly followed by bugfixes 2.61 and 2.62. So I managed to avoid a lot of interim…

  • Once more, from the top

    Sing along with the vocal stylings of the spongmonkeys as they regale you with their acoustic guitar rave-up We Like the Moon.

  • Gulf War II simulation

    Posing as an interactive game (there’s really only one choice, about halfway through, and I suspect it’s a Hobson’s choice), this Flash animation projects a worst-case scenario for the upcoming (ongoing?) Gulf War. [via Nick Denton]

  • Homeland security specialist

    Watching late-night TV (Ask Rita), I saw an add for a Homeland security specialist program at NIT schools’ San Jose campus. It started with an American flag and a voice over talking about how 9/11 changed everything. Quick cut to a man in a suit introducing himself and calling himself the “Director of Homeland Security.”…

  • xian's 115th dream

    I think I can safely file this under “blogging too much lately.” I had one of those long, convoluted dreams last night, much of which I can still remember even as the internal dream logic has started to tatter. Near the end, I was in a motel room with Mark Pilgrim. We were discussing Shirky’s…

  • While you were out (protesting)

    The war has already started. The Pentagon was leaking all over the place yesterday that we already have special forces inside Iraq. For example, the Washington Post reported: U.S. Special Operations troops are already operating in various parts of Iraq, hunting for weapons sites, establishing a communications network and seeking potential defectors from Iraqi military…

  • Just can't leave it alone

    I’ve already overcommented on the Burningbird: Boys with Toys thread (and related) at BurningBird, but I went back and read the three entries and their tails of comments again and I still feel that the various points of view are largely talking past each other, partly because they (we) are also having a metaconversation. The…

  • InstaOnion

    The Onion creeps closer to reality with its headlines today, including North Korea Wondering What It Has to Do to Attract U.S. Military Attention and this brief item: Saddam Enrages Bush With Full ComplianceWASHINGTON, DC—President Bush expressed frustration and anger Monday over a U.N. report stating that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein is now fully complying…